The Arizona Libertarian Party Officers

Michael is an IT professional, Air Force veteran, and longtime leader in the liberty movement with over a decade of leadership experience. He has seen the harm that government does to peace and prosperity firsthand, and he is determined to give the people of Arizona a better path forward. As Chairman, he works to combine his unique experiences and leadership style to organize and expand efforts to protect the rights of individuals.

Roman Garcia became a United States Citizen in 2018 and registered as a Libertarian soon after. He is a husband, father, and grandfather. Roman has been working as an Analyst and Project Manager in Healthcare IT for almost 20 years. He brings his project management skills to the role of AZLP Secretary. Roman looks forward to opening communications and collaboration between all counties in Arizona.

Steven has lived in rural eastern Arizona his whole life. Spending most of his career in mining, he specializes in the dying art of narrow-vein underground work. He will continue to develop the rural counties within the AZLP, and hopes to build the Libertarian Party into the best possible voice for independent rural communities seeking peace, liberty, and autonomy.

Cory has professional experience managing both small and large teams, overseeing projects of various scale, and handling logistics for a company working nationwide. He is a lifetime member of the Libertarian Party and has been a member of the Arizona Libertarian Party for more than 10 years.

Cory believes that expanding individual liberty is best achieved by focusing on local politics, where electing Libertarian candidates can have an immediate impact on the life of their constituents. He is working to build a foundation of success for the future of the Arizona Libertarian Party.

Bill retired as an Army officer and from the Federal Civil Service.  He has been an active attorney for over 40 years. He is a lifetime member of the Libertarian Party having continuous membership since 1980.  He has worked within LP affiliates in Oklahoma, Virginia, and Arizona.

Bill is committed to accuracy, integrity, and fairness in execution of the responsibilities of his office. He supports building coalitions for achieving political objectives and exposing non-libertarians to the superiority of governance by the market instead of the State.

Nikki Giver is a Precinct Committeeman for Sells Precinct in Maricopa County. She has 10 years of professional administrative experience and excels at business operations. Nikki’s passion lies within advocating for school choice, 2nd Amendment rights, voluntary action, and all of your freedoms all of the time.

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